Bournemouth Interpreters

Bournemouth Translators and Interpreters


The Home Office or UK Border Agency will need the documents that were not issued in the UK translated. They will ask that you provide either certified translations or notarized translations. You will need to check with the Home Office for the exact requirements. They may also request you provide your documents with an Apostille if they have been issued abroad and their provenience is from a country that has signed the Hague Convention.

Your embassy may also be able to help


We can help you with the translation, certification and Apostille of your supporting documentation of your application. Call us on 0845 388 9263




If I am already in the UK on a work permit, will I need to leave the country if I want to change employer?
No, you can remain in the UK while the new work permit application is considered.
Can I work in a self-employed capacity while in the UK under a work permit?
No, as a work permit holder you are not allowed to enter self-employment, establish a business or join another business as a director or partner.
What is the Tier 1 General Visa?
This type of visa is designed to allow highly skilled individuals to migrate to the UK to seek work or self-employment opportunities.

To qualify for the HSMP you are required to score 80 points across a range of assessment criteria including:
Previous earnings;
Qualifications; and
Previous UK experience.
You can also qualify for 80 points without any qualifications provided you can demonstrate earnings of £150,000

There is also an English language and maintenance requirement that must be met.
Can I switch my current visa to a work permit while I am in the UK?

Only overseas nationals in the following categories are allowed to switch to a work permit from within the UK:
Any Tier 1 or Tier 4 category
Tier 2 (General)
Tier 2 (Sportsperson)
Tier 2 (Minister of Religion)
Tier 2 (Intra-Company Transfer: Established Staff) if you are applying to change sponsor
Tier 2 (Intra-Company Transfer), under the rules in place before 6 April 2010 if you are applying to change sponsor
Tier 5 (Temporary Worker) in the Government Authorised Exchange sub-category, for a job as an overseas qualified nurse or midwife
Tier 5 (Temporary Worker) in the Creative and Sporting sub-category, for a job as a professional footballer
Dependant partner of a Tier 4 migrant
Highly Skilled Migrant Programme
Business and Commercial work permits (except multiple entry work permits)
Sports and Entertainment work permits (except multiple entry work permits)
Jewish Agency Employee
Member of the Operational Ground Staff of an overseas-owned Airline
Minister of Religion, Missionary or Member of a Religious Order
Overseas Qualified Nurse or Midwife
Person Writing Up a Thesis
Postgraduate Doctor or Dentist
Representative of an Overseas Business
How long does the work permit application process take?
Times will vary and this will dependant on: a) sponsor licence b) if advertisement requirement needs to be met c) processing times. Please contact us for advice on specific circumstances.